Saturday, September 15, 2018

she's been missing/!

yes, it's true.  I have been in 

another world.  the world of 

alex and katelyn's wedding.

I have put aside my regular dailyart 

routine until after next the wedding

which is racing here, just one week from today.

but my hands have not been idle.  I have made

fun welcome bags for our out of town guests 

including this welcome note, 

love map of chicago

and painted the table numbers. 

I could not have done this without the

help of some dear friends including 

stephanie, who I call my martha stewart

friend.  she helped format the printed materials

and had endless creative ideas.  jean executed the

map with her expertise graphic art background,  

and dave drilled the holes in the back of the 4 x 6

canvases table numbers.  he drilled them on an angle,

cut pegs to fit, rounded the ends and made a stand to 

hold each peg for me to be able to paint them!  now that 

is quite a round up of generous, thoughtful and loving friends!!

my love to you all and wishes 
for a fun and relaxing weekend.
part of my push to finish all of these
projects was to be able to attend a 3 day
workshop which I signed up for months ago. 
I made my goal and that feels great!


this post is linked with paint party friday friends hosted
by the eva and kristen, hostesses with the mostest


  1. Beautiful! It all has your elegant Irene touch.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and a glorious wedding.

  2. Irene, you and your friends have made magic for your son and future daughter-in-law. Just lovely! :-)

  3. awe, this is going to be a magical wedding filled with love! Your projects are just beautiful, and how sweet of your friends to help out. Enjoy, enjoy! Happy PPF!

  4. I bet the wedding was beautiful. Congrats!

  5. It's wonderful how you were able to complete these projects before your workshop.
