Monday, October 6, 2014

Found Poems

'feels like i dropped into a warm cozy cave waiting for only me,'  journal page, 2011 

ruthless is not a word i usually use for myself.  but that is what i feel like 

as i clear out my stuff from

poetry  books from the days when writing poetry took up my full psyche
piles of papers sorted out kept for what?  collage one day?
old paper patterns used when i to sewed all of my clothes, that's been decades, 
dolls that collect dust
books that i read, loved and thought i'd read day
knitting books with colorful, delightful pictures of potential projects

everything takes up space; both physical, also psychic...and maybe even 

emotional space.  for now i am starting with clearing out the physical space.  

one section at a time.  

already i feel a difference.  i have done his before, cleared out the stuff but 

had always felt the void, the vacuum created and just as quickly filled it.  

i don't have that desire this time. i found a blog post titled de-owning.  I like that.  

i am trying not to make this a big deal 

but it sure is taking up lots of my time.


and i am feeling a wee bit proud of myself too.


  1. Hi Irene,
    I get caught up in this circle of accumulating...clearing out...accumulating...clearing out. I've started using my salvaged art to make collages in one of my art journals but then I can barely find a spot to work from. Good for you that you are lightening your collection of stuff! Love the journal page you shared!

  2. You should be proud!
    It's a huge and even valiant endeavor I think.
    I admire you doing it.
    I need to be ruthless. ;o)
