Saturday, January 19, 2013


atc with acrylic, collage, ink, stencil

it's a new year and we have nothing but time

i was invited to join an international atc group by my 
prolific artist friend, john.  while i love to be included in fun 
activities, i have to admit that i am afraid of atcs.  but this year
i am facing my fears, big and little.  i asked brian and john, both members of
a gentleman's atc group for suggestions.  basically, i started and went from
there.  brian said he thinks of atcs as little works of art.  i like that.
like many things in life, the fear was greater than 
the actual experience.  i can't tell you how many times have i stopped 
myself from doing something that could have proven 
to be fun, a learning experience, could have led to
other avenues.  well, it is never to late. 


  1. Face your fears my friend, it is just a lil piece of paper. There is no failure, just play!

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  3. Your fear turned into total success. I love this ATC and what a fun surprise to receive it in the mail. Congratulations, you slew the dragon!

  4. thanks to John, I have found you and your blog. How fun and I am glad your in
