Tuesday, January 28, 2014

hello,  here is my start today.

i painted a board with black gesso first.   i use plastic container lids 

for my palate and peels some of the dried paint off.  You can see 

some of it next to the brushes.

i sketched in the design with chalk.

and began to paint with fw acrylic inks.  

like paint with numbers.

the finished painting.   you can see 

the paint skins used as the border between the woman 

and the horse.

outside my kitchen


  1. Irene, I love how your paint lids are a work of art, too. :) Beautiful painting, and great use of the hardened paint. I do that a lot, too. I have saved the peeled paint into containers before..but then it stuck together, and I had to throw it out.

  2. Worked out very well! I love black grounds.

    1. Thanks, Catherine. It was an enjoyable experiment. I had to mix each color with a bit of white or it would not show up on the black.

  3. Really, are you studying Chagall? Very freeing.

    1. Well, not studying Chagall right now but have in the past checked out all of his books in the library and read them in bed...More like inhaled the pictures. Love his work. xo

  4. Well, not studying Chagall right now but have in the past checked out all of his books in the library and read them in bed...More like inhaled the pictures. Love his work. xo
