Friday, May 18, 2012


inhale the beauty

delight in the annual

display of wonder

My iris never fail to bring delicate pleasure for the few days they visit every year.

I am linked with Rebecca and others who embrace the weekly practice of 

haiku.  Please visit Haiku My Heart for a special treat.


  1. Beautiful haiku for a wonderful flower ~ my irises are just at the bud stage ~ Poppies are blooming, though ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  2. There is beauty around us to behold, if only we will!

    Time to Say Good-Bye

    Oh, and could you get rid of that horrid word verification, please? Blogger is now doing automatic spam detection, so word verification is no longer needed. Thank you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My annual gathering of yellows never last long enough and they all seem to mature at once. Momentary beauty, long memory

  5. My mom had the most magnificent iris when I was a kid growing up. Your photo and words bring joy to my heart.

  6. always so good to sit and refresh in your beauty!
    your photograph is especially stunning and your haiku a perfect invitation to slow down and drink deeply in the wonders of the natural world.
    thanks for being here irene, you are a treat for the senses.

  7. lovey photo and haiku perfect!

  8. Oh wow, what a rich blue colour! Love the haiku too!!

  9. Beautiful picture ~

    A display of the wonders of spring ~
