Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Inspiration Comes from Unlikely Places

I have been pondering inspiration, where it comes from, 
how to take inspiration to the next step after the initial good feeling,
the various sources of inspiration, how to find you own inspiration
and various other aspects.  As artists we see the world and beyond as our palette but there are times when that same world seems like a desert, our minds blank, we freeze.
On Tuesdays for the next four weeks I will examine some of these topics.

Inspiration comes from the most unlikely places. . . .in a spin class
where lights are dimmed, an instructor almost yells at you to do things with your body
that you did not think possible at your age.

Yet JJ Hendershot is focused, committed, shows up with a smile even with serious challenges
in her life.  She supports us to do our best, she pushes us to do more 
and I leave more fit and grateful for this body that allows me to
live life at full speed.  JJ also spends time supporting important causes 
like the Heros Project ride which with some nudging I participated in.

journal page from magazine images
The journaling says, my family lived behind barbed wire for years and never complained

This picture brought to mind the fact that all of my family ~
my aunts, uncles and grandparents
lived behind barbed wire in the United States during World War II.
There was never any negative talk from my family about this period of their lives
when I grew up.  When  interment camps were mentioned I heard stories
about people meeting new friends in camp or about camp dances.
I pictured summer camps where people rode in boats and played ball.
It was not until I was almost in college that I realized that
125,000 Japanese people, most of them US citizens
had to give up their homes and live in one room barracks
in isolated locations for years.  I wish that my ancestors did not have
to experience this tragedy but their perseverance and the lack of bitterness gives
me hope, strength and pride in the generations
that came before me.

There is much to be grateful for.
I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences
with the sometimes illusive, sometimes muse quality of  inspiration.


  1. I find it so interesting how the mind and collective minds are able to stay positive and not dwell on negativity when there is crisis and hardship... an example for many today who just feel so entitled and judgmental..... what you say about your family before you makes one put life in perspective.

  2. This is such potent and personal memory to spark your creative muse...I have been flying around on the wings of monarch butterflies as my muse these days.
