Pelicans are appearing once again. I saw this one standing on the Redondo Beach Pier right in front of
me as walked with a friend. Nearby people fished, walked, children ran. The pelican stood its ground.
And then later on this walk along the spectacular cliffs of Rolling Hills. I had my point and shoot
so this photo does not come close to the spectacular beauty.
Pelicans flew in formation, in groups, some singly, high in the clouds or at eye level, some below eye
level. Again my little camera was not fast enough to catch these prehistoric creatures. I hope one day
you will have the exhilarating experience of seeing these winged creatures fly by you.
Pelican get their name from the Greek work pelekys which means axe because they are said to cut wood
with their beaks. What I find interesting is that they nest and raise their young in community. These baby
pelicans make a lot of noise while together. But adult pelicans do not utter a sound.
I grew up when 'children should be seen and not heard' was a common saying among parents.
Also being Japanese and a girl, I learned to keep my opinions to myself.
So I am glad when I see pelicans and am reminded that everyone's voice
is unique and important.
Happy Sunday
This post is linked to Rebecca's Postcards from Paradise